How To · January 22, 2024 0

Umrah How To Do

Umrah is a voluntary pilgrimage that Muslims can perform at any time of the year. It is a way of expressing devotion and gratitude to Allah, as well as seeking His forgiveness and mercy. Umrah consists of four main rituals: Ihram, Tawaf, Sa’i, and Halq or Taqsir. In this article, we will explain how to perform Umrah step by step, and provide some tips and advice to make your Umrah journey easier and more rewarding.

What is Ihram?

Ihram is the state of consecration that a pilgrim enters before performing Umrah or Hajj. It involves wearing specific garments, abstaining from certain actions, and making the intention to perform the pilgrimage. Ihram is a symbol of purity, humility, and equality among all Muslims.

How to enter Ihram?

Before entering Ihram, you should take care of your personal hygiene by clipping your nails, removing unwanted hair, and taking a bath (ghusl). You should also pray two units (rak’ahs) of voluntary prayer, preferably at a mosque. Then, you should wear the Ihram garments, which are two pieces of white, unstitched cloth for men, and any modest, loose-fitting clothes for women. Women should also cover their hair, but not their faces or hands. You should avoid wearing any perfume, jewelry, or stitched clothing while in Ihram.

How to make the intention for Umrah?

After wearing the Ihram garments, you should make the intention (niyyah) for Umrah by saying: “Labbayk Allahumma bi ‘Umrah” (Here I am, O Allah, for Umrah). You should also recite the Talbiyah, which is: “Labbayka Allahumma labbayk, labbayka la sharika laka labbayk. Inna al-hamd wa al-ni’mata laka wa al-mulk, la sharika lak” (Here I am, O Allah, here I am. Here I am, You have no partner, here I am. Verily, all praise and blessings are Yours, and all sovereignty, You have no partner). You should keep reciting the Talbiyah until you reach the Ka’bah, the sacred house of Allah in Makkah.

What are the prohibitions of Ihram?

While in Ihram, you should avoid the following actions:

  • Cutting or trimming your hair or nails
  • Wearing perfume or scented products
  • Covering your head (for men) or face (for women)
  • Hunting or harming animals
  • Having sexual intercourse or any related activities
  • Getting married or proposing marriage
  • Wearing gloves or socks (for men)
  • Arguing, fighting, or using foul language
  • Carrying weapons or harming others

What is Tawaf?

Tawaf is the act of circumambulating the Ka’bah seven times in a counter-clockwise direction. It is a way of honoring and glorifying Allah, and following the footsteps of Prophet Ibrahim (peace be upon him) and his son Ismail (peace be upon him), who built the Ka’bah by Allah’s command.

How to perform Tawaf?

Before performing Tawaf, you should enter the Masjid al-Haram (the Grand Mosque) with your right foot, and say: “Bismillah, wa al-salatu wa al-salamu ‘ala Rasulillah. Allahumma ighfir li dhunubi waftah li abwaba rahmatik. A’udhu billahi al-‘azim wa bi wajhih al-karim wa bi sultanih al-qadim min al-shaytan al-rajim” (In the name of Allah, and peace and blessings be upon the Messenger of Allah. O Allah, forgive me my sins and open to me the gates of Your mercy. I seek refuge with Allah the Almighty and in His noble face and His eternal power from the accursed Satan).

Then, you should approach the Black Stone (al-Hajar al-Aswad), which is a sacred stone embedded in one corner of the Ka’bah. You should try to touch it with your right hand and kiss it, or touch it with your hand and then kiss your hand, or point to it with your hand and say “Allahu akbar” (Allah is the greatest). This marks the beginning of your first round (shawt) of Tawaf.

You should then walk around the Ka’bah, keeping it to your left, and recite any supplications (du’as) or verses (ayat) of the Quran that you know. You should also try to touch or kiss the Yemeni Corner (al-Rukn al-Yamani), which is the corner before the Black Stone, or point to it with your hand and say “Allahu akbar”. When you reach the Black Stone again, you have completed one round of Tawaf. You should repeat this process until you complete seven rounds.

After completing the seventh round, you should pray two units of voluntary prayer behind the Station of Ibrahim (Maqam Ibrahim), which is a stone that has the imprint of Prophet Ibrahim’s feet. It is located near the Ka’bah. You should recite Surah al-Kafirun (chapter 109) in the first unit, and Surah al-Ikhlas (chapter 112) in the second unit. You should also make du’a and ask Allah for anything you wish.

What is Sa’i?

Sa’i is the act of walking or running between the two hills of Safa and Marwah, which are located near the Ka’bah. It is a way of commemorating the struggle and faith of Hajar (may Allah be pleased with her), the wife of Prophet Ibrahim and the mother of Ismail, who ran between the two hills in search of water for her son, until Allah caused the well of Zamzam to gush forth.

How to perform Sa’i?

Before performing Sa’i, you should drink from the water of Zamzam, which is a blessed and miraculous water that flows near the Ka’bah. You should also make du’a and thank Allah for His bounty and mercy.

Then, you should go to the hill of Safa, which is the starting point of Sa’i. You should climb the hill until you can see the Ka’bah, and say: “Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar, Allahu akbar. La ilaha illa Allah, wahdahu la sharika lah. Lahul mulk, wa lahul hamd, wa huwa ‘ala kulli shay’in qadir. La ilaha illa Allah, wahdahu, anjaza wa’dah, wa nasara ‘abdah, wa hazamal ahzaba wahdah” (Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest, Allah is the greatest. There is no god but Allah, alone, without partner. His is the dominion, and His is the praise, and He is able to do all things. There is no god but Allah, alone, He fulfilled His promise, and He gave victory to His servant, and He defeated the confederates alone).

You should also make du’a and ask Allah for His forgiveness and favor. Then, you should descend from the hill and walk towards the hill of Marwah. You should walk at a normal pace, except when you reach the two green markers, where you should run or jog, as Hajar did. This is because she heard a voice and thought it was someone who could help her.

When you reach the hill of Marwah, you should climb it until you can see the Ka’bah, and repeat the same words and du’as that you said at Safa. This marks the end of your first round (shawt) of Sa’i. You should then walk back to Safa, and repeat the same process until you complete seven rounds. The last round should end at Marwah.

What is Halq or Taqsir?

Halq or Taqsir is the act of shaving or trimming the hair, which marks the end of Umrah and the exit from Ihram. It is a way of showing gratitude and humility to Allah, and following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him).

How to perform Halq or Taqsir?

After completing Sa’i, you should go to a barber or a designated place where you can shave or trim your hair. Men should shave their entire head, or at least shorten their hair equally from all sides. Women should only trim a small amount of their hair, about the length of a fingertip. You should also make du’a and thank Allah for enabling you to perform Umrah.

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By performing Halq or Taqsir, you have completed your Umrah and exited from Ihram. You are now free to wear your normal clothes, apply perfume, and resume your normal activities, except for sexual intercourse, which is still prohibited until you leave Makkah.

Tips and Advice for Umrah

Here are some tips and advice to help you make the most of your Umrah experience:

  • Plan your Umrah well in advance, and book your flights, hotels, and transportation accordingly. You should also check the visa requirements and health regulations for traveling to Saudi Arabia.
  • Pack light and bring only the essentials, such as your passport, visa, vaccination certificate, Ihram garments, prayer mat, Quran, du’a books, and personal items. You should also bring some cash and a credit card for emergencies.
  • Arrive in Makkah a few days before your Umrah, and acclimatize yourself to the weather, time zone, and environment. You should also rest well and hydrate well and hydrate yourself before performing Umrah. You should also avoid eating too much or too spicy food, as it may cause indigestion or discomfort.
  • Perform Umrah with sincerity, devotion, and humility. You should also be patient and tolerant with the crowds, the heat, and the delays. Remember that you are a guest of Allah, and that He is testing your faith and manners.
  • Follow the instructions and guidance of the authorities and the staff at the Masjid al-Haram and the other holy sites. You should also respect the rules and customs of Saudi Arabia, and avoid any actions that may offend or harm others.
  • Perform as many prayers, supplications, and acts of worship as you can while in Makkah. You should also try to visit other places of historical and religious significance, such as the Cave of Hira, the Cave of Thawr, the Mount of Arafat, and the Masjid al-Nabawi in Madinah.
  • Make du’a for yourself, your family, your friends, and the entire Muslim Ummah. You should also seek forgiveness from Allah for your sins and mistakes, and repent sincerely. You should also ask Allah to accept your Umrah and grant you His mercy and blessings.


Umrah is a great opportunity to get closer to Allah and purify your soul. It is also a chance to experience the beauty and spirituality of Islam, and to follow the example of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions (may Allah be pleased with them). By performing Umrah, you are fulfilling one of the Sunnahs of the Prophet, and earning great rewards and virtues from Allah. We hope that this article has helped you understand how to perform Umrah step by step, and that you will be able to perform it soon, in sha Allah. May Allah accept your Umrah and make it easy for you. Ameen.


  1. What is the difference between Umrah and Hajj?

    Umrah and Hajj are both pilgrimages to Makkah, but they have some differences. Umrah is a voluntary and shorter pilgrimage that can be performed at any time of the year, while Hajj is an obligatory and longer pilgrimage that can only be performed during the month of Dhul-Hijjah. Umrah consists of four main rituals: Ihram, Tawaf, Sa’i, and Halq or Taqsir, while Hajj consists of more rituals, such as staying at Mina, Arafat, and Muzdalifah, stoning the Jamarat, and offering a sacrifice.

  2. What are the benefits of performing Umrah?

    Performing Umrah has many benefits, both in this world and in the hereafter. Some of them are:
    Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed between it and the previous Umrah, as the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “The performance of Umrah is an expiation for the sins committed between it and the previous Umrah; and the reward of Hajj Mabrur (a Hajj accepted by Allah) is nothing but Paradise” (Bukhari and Muslim).
    Umrah is a means of attaining Allah’s pleasure, forgiveness, and mercy, as Allah says in the Quran: “And complete the Hajj and Umrah for Allah. But if you are prevented, then [offer] what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals. And do not shave your heads until the sacrificial animal has reached its place of slaughter. And whoever among you is ill or has an ailment of the head [making shaving necessary must offer] a ransom of fasting [three days] or charity or sacrifice. And when you are secure, then whoever performs Umrah [during the Hajj months] followed by Hajj [offers] what can be obtained with ease of sacrificial animals. And whoever cannot find [or afford such an animal] – then a fast of three days during Hajj and of seven when you have returned [home]. Those are ten complete [days]. This is for those whose family is not in the area of al-Masjid al-Haram. And fear Allah and know that Allah is severe in penalty” (2:196).
    Umrah is a way of following the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) and his companions (may Allah be pleased with them), who performed Umrah many times in their lives. By performing Umrah, you are reviving the legacy of Islam and strengthening your connection with the Prophet and his teachings.

  3. What are the best times to perform Umrah?

    Umrah can be performed at any time of the year, but some times are more virtuous and rewarding than others. Some of them are:
    The month of Ramadan, which is the most blessed month of the year, and in which the rewards of good deeds are multiplied. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Umrah during Ramadan is equivalent to Hajj” (Bukhari and Muslim).
    The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah, which are the best days of the year, and in which Allah loves the deeds more than any other days. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “There are no days in which righteous deeds are more beloved to Allah than these ten days” (Bukhari).
    The last ten nights of Ramadan, which are the most sacred nights of the year, and in which the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr) occurs. The Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) said: “Whoever spends the night of Qadr in prayer out of faith and in the hope of reward, his previous sins will be forgiven” (Bukhari and Muslim).

  4. What are the common mistakes to avoid while performing Umrah?

    Some of the common mistakes that some pilgrims make while performing Umrah are:
    Not learning the rules and regulations of Umrah before traveling, and relying on hearsay or unreliable sources.
    Not making the intention (niyyah) for Umrah correctly, or changing it after entering Ihram.
    Not reciting the Talbiyah or the du’as while performing Tawaf or Sa’i, or reciting them incorrectly or inaudibly.
    Not following the etiquette and manners of the Masjid al-Haram and the other holy sites, such as respecting the sanctity of the place, avoiding overcrowding or pushing, and keeping the place clean and tidy.
    Not shaving or trimming the hair properly after completing Umrah, or doing it before exiting Ihram.
    Not making the most of the time and opportunity in Makkah, and wasting it in shopping, sightseeing, or other worldly activities.

  5. What are the essentials to bring for Umrah?

    Some of the essentials that you should bring for Umrah are:
    Your passport, visa, vaccination certificate, and other travel documents.
    Your Ihram garments, which are two pieces of white, unstitched cloth for men, and any modest, loose-fitting clothes for women.
    Your prayer mat, Quran, du’a books, and other religious items.
    Your personal items, such as your toiletries, medications, and phone charger.
    Some cash and a credit card for emergencies and expenses.
    A small backpack or bag to carry your belongings while performing Umrah.
