
The Forgotten Tragedy of Sungai Kerian: A Historical Perspective


The quiet district of Kerian, nestled in the northern reaches of Perak, Malaysia, harbors a heart-wrenching tale that reverberates through time. The year was 1972, and the tranquil waters of Sungai Kerian concealed a tragedy that would forever etch its mark on the nation. In this article, we delve into the forgotten events that unfolded on that fateful day, leaving lives hanging by a thread and hearts forever scarred.

The Setting: Sungai Kerian and Its Quaint Ferry

Sungai Kerian, a river that meanders along the borders of Perak and Kedah, was a lifeline for the locals. Back then, bridges were nonexistent, and the only way to traverse the river was via a peculiar vessel—a barge-like ferry. Imagine a small boat tugging a substantial platform, laden with cars, vans, buses, and, most importantly, people. For those needing to cross Sungai Kerian, a 20-minute ferry ride was the norm.

The Tragedy Unfolds

On the morning of September 13, 1972, the heavens wept, drenching the land. Among the passengers huddled on the ferry platform were a group of children, including little Raja Norezmanshah. Their destination: school. The platform, held together by cables, floated atop the river’s swift current. But fate had other plans.

As the ferry chugged across from Kedah, disaster struck. The cable snapped, and panic ensued. The platform tilted, vehicles slid, and lives hung in the balance. The winch, weakened by rain and wind, gave way. The ferry overturned, plunging its cargo—human and mechanical—into the murky depths of Sungai Kerian.

The Aftermath

The tragedy claimed the lives of 17 students from Methodist Primary School in Parit Buntar, eight students from Kerian Chinese National Secondary School, and two civilians. Among them was Raja, whose last words—“Abang tak nak sekolah! Nanti abang tinggalkan mak!”—echoed in his mother’s heart. Kamariah Yusuff, now 72, still remembers that heart-wrenching farewell.

The Day the River Ran Red

Govindasamy, an eyewitness, described the incident as unforgettable. With no means to reattach the cable, the platform sank inexorably. The river, once a lifeline, turned into a merciless force, swallowing lives and dreams. The tragedy left scars etched in memory, a somber reminder of the fragility of existence.


The forgotten tragedy of Sungai Kerian stands as a testament to human vulnerability and the capriciousness of fate. As we remember those lost souls, let us honor their memory by cherishing life’s fleeting moments and holding our loved ones a little tighter.


  1. What caused the ferry cable to snap? 
    • The heavy rain and wind loosened three small nuts, weakening the winch and leading to the tragic incident.
  2. Were there any survivors? 
    • Sadly, many lives were lost that day. Only a few managed to swim to safety.
  3. How did the community cope with the aftermath? 
    • The tragedy left scars, but it also fostered resilience and solidarity among the people of Kerian.
  4. Is there a memorial for the victims? 
    • Yes, a memorial stands as a solemn tribute to those who perished in the Sungai Kerian ferry disaster.
  5. What lessons can we learn from this tragedy? 
    • It reminds us to cherish our loved ones, appreciate life’s fragility, and strive for safer transportation systems.

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