How To · October 31, 2023 0

5 Copywriting Formulas That Convert: A Marketer’s Guide


Copywriting is an essential skill for marketers. It is the art of writing persuasive and compelling content that drives conversions. However, not all copywriting is created equal. To be effective, copywriting must be based on proven formulas that have been tested and refined over time.

In this article, we will explore five copywriting formulas that are guaranteed to convert. We will explain each formula in detail and provide examples of how they can be used in your marketing campaigns.

1. Problem + Agitate + Solution (PAS)

The Problem + Agitate + Solution (PAS) formula is one of the most popular and effective copywriting formulas. It involves identifying a problem that your target audience is facing, agitating that problem to create a sense of urgency, and then providing a solution to the problem.

For example, if you are selling a weight loss product, you might start by identifying the problem of being overweight. You could then agitate this problem by highlighting the negative health consequences of being overweight. Finally, you would provide a solution to the problem by introducing your weight loss product.


Are you tired of feeling sluggish and overweight? Do you want to improve your health and feel more confident in your body? Our weight loss program can help you achieve your goals. With our program, you’ll learn how to lose weight safely and effectively while improving your overall health and well-being.

2. Features + Advantages + Benefits (FAB)

The Features + Advantages + Benefits (FAB) formula is another popular copywriting formula. It involves highlighting the features of your product or service, explaining the advantages of those features, and then describing the benefits that your target audience will receive.

For example, if you are selling a new smartphone, you might start by highlighting its features such as a high-resolution camera and long battery life. You could then explain the advantages of these features such as taking high-quality photos and not having to charge your phone as often. Finally, you would describe the benefits that your target audience will receive such as capturing memories with stunning photos and not having to worry about running out of battery during the day.


Introducing the new XYZ smartphone. With its high-resolution camera, long battery life, and sleek design, the XYZ smartphone is the perfect choice for anyone who wants to stay connected on-the-go. Take stunning photos, stream your favorite shows, and stay connected with friends and family all day long.

3. Attention + Interest + Desire + Action (AIDA)

The Attention + Interest + Desire + Action (AIDA) formula is a classic copywriting formula that has been used for decades. It involves grabbing your target audience’s attention with an eye-catching headline, generating interest with compelling content, creating desire for your product or service, and then prompting action with a clear call-to-action.

For example, if you are selling a new car, you might start by grabbing attention with a headline like “Drive Your Dream Car Today.” You could then generate interest by describing the car’s features and benefits. Next, you would create desire by highlighting how the car will make your target audience feel such as confident and stylish. Finally, you would prompt action with a clear call-to-action like “Schedule Your Test Drive Today.”


Drive your dream car today with our exclusive financing options. With a wide range of models to choose from, you’re sure to find the perfect car to fit your lifestyle and budget. Schedule your test drive today and experience the thrill of driving your dream car.

4. Clear + Concise + Compelling + Credible (4Cs)

The Clear + Concise + Compelling + Credible (4Cs) formula is a more direct approach to copywriting. It involves creating content that is clear and easy to understand, concise and to-the-point, compelling and interesting, and credible and trustworthy.

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For example, if you are writing an email marketing campaign for a new product launch, you might start by creating content that is clear and easy to understand such as using simple language and avoiding jargon. You could then make your content concise by focusing on the most important information only. Next, you would make your content compelling by using storytelling techniques or humor to engage your target audience. Finally, you would make your content credible by including social proof such as customer testimonials or expert endorsements.


Get ready for the launch of our new product line. Our products are designed to meet the needs of busy professionals who want to stay healthy and productive on-the-go. With our products, you’ll get the nutrition you need to power through your day without sacrificing taste or convenience.

5. Before + After + Bridge (BAB)

The Before + After + Bridge (BAB) formula is another classic copywriting formula that has been used for decades. It involves describing the before state of your target audience’s life or situation, painting a picture of what their life or situation could be like after using your product or service, and then bridging the gap between the two states.

For example, if you are selling a financial planning service, you might start by describing the before state of your target audience’s finances such as living paycheck-to-paycheck or having no savings. You could then paint a picture of what their finances could be like after using your service such as being debt-free or having a comfortable retirement fund. Finally, you would bridge the gap between the two states by explaining how your service can help them achieve their financial goals.


Are you tired of living paycheck-to-paycheck? Do you want to take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals? Our financial planning service can help you get there. Say goodbye to debt and hello to financial freedom with our expert guidance and support.


Copywriting is an essential skill for marketers who want to drive conversions. By using proven copywriting formulas like PAS, FAB, AIDA, 4Cs, and BAB, you can create persuasive and compelling content that engages your target audience and drives them to take action.


  1. What is copywriting?
    • Copywriting is the art of writing persuasive and compelling content that drives conversions.
  2. Why is copywriting important?
    • Copywriting is important because it helps marketers create content that resonates with their target audience and drives conversions.
  3. What are some common copywriting formulas?
    • Some common copywriting formulas include Problem + Agitate + Solution (PAS), Features + Advantages + Benefits (FAB), Attention + Interest + Desire + Action (AIDA), Clear + Concise + Compelling + Credible (4Cs), and Before + After + Bridge (BAB).
  4. How can I improve my copywriting skills?
    • You can improve your copywriting skills by studying the work of successful copywriters, practicing your writing skills, and testing different copywriting formulas to see what works best for your target audience.
  5. What are some common mistakes to avoid in copywriting?
    • Some common mistakes to avoid in copywriting include using jargon or technical language that your target audience may not understand, focusing too much on features instead of benefits, and failing to include a clear call-to-action.